Board Game designed as our final thesis project for Graphic Design from Design and Architecture Senior High, in Miami (FL). We created every part of the game, including the box, board, game pieces, cards, and instructions. The game concept and strategy came out of our own ideas, and it was heavily inspired on the Spanish board game 'Oca'.
The game is called The Great Eggscape, and the concept is that the players are eggs trying to escape dangers (like cats, frying pans, and scramblers), to get to the safety of the Egg-copter. Along the game and to keep advancing, players must answer questions for Eggxams (trivia questions about eggs), and draw special challenge cards. There are also Mystery Eggs Cards that may help or hurt players along the way.
By Jenna Agres, Dillan Murillo, Bryan Diaz and Alex Majagranzas